Navigating Grief on the Road to Recovery

Grief often plays a significant role in the lives of our patients and their loved ones. It is the natural response to a change in routine. Although many associate grief with significant life events such as a death or divorce, grief often accompanies other eventsโ€”such as changes in lifestyle, loss of an addiction, or the loss of dreams or expectations. Facing and addressing grief through a healthy process is a vital component to a successful recovery plan.


In the process of recovering from a substance abuse issue, grief often emerges as a response to the intense changes taking place in an individual and a family. Years of unresolved grief are often felt and recognized for the first time. Utilizing a process that allows patients to resolve their losses brings understanding and acceptance. This process of grieving helps foster healthy lasting recovery and offers both the patient and their loved ones support.


Because grief is different for everyone, there is no timetable for feelings of pain after loss. In fact, attempts to avoid or suppress grief-related pain tend to prolong the process, and can create additional issues and possible relapse. Prolonged grief, also known as complicated grief, can last months or years and require intensive treatment. Without sufficient help and support, such grief can lead to isolation, disconnection and depression.

Embark on a journey of healing and recovery by addressing grief

Grief is a natural response to life changes, and our expert team understands its profound impact. Whether it's related to addiction, lifestyle changes, or other losses, navigating grief is a crucial step on the road to recovery. Begin your grief recovery process today, and take the first step toward lasting healing and a brighter future.
CALL 866-954-3103

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